
Showing posts from September, 2021

CBD Oil and the Benefits

CBD oil is becoming one of the hottest new products on the market today. In fact, annual sales of CBD oil products in 2018 was nearly 600 million and is estimated to be growing at a rate exceeding 107 percent annually. Prior to 2017, CBD products were available only in head shops, natural food stores, and at a few doctor's offices. Since that time, the market has exploded and CBD products are now available in natural food stores, national food stores, beauty salons, nail salons, convenience stores, and even gas stations. But, are these CBD products manufactured from safe CBD oil? First of all, let's examine what we mean by safe CBD oil. Some reports indicate that as much as 40% of the CBD products on the market tested positive for heavy metals like lead and arsenic, concentrated chemical pesticides, bacteria, fungi, toxic mold, THC, and numerous other dangerous impurities. Most people would agree that products containing these impurities would be considered to be unsafe. ts91

Will Nemo Be There?

On September 28, 2007, the second "Future of Male Contraception" conference sponsored by National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization, as well as other organizations was held in Seattle. There were many new male contraceptive ideas which seemed to be reasonable to those that had attended. Three of those possibilities really stood out to be future male contraceptive products. Would they be worth it? Of course we don't know the answer to that just yet, since the contraceptives has only been tested on animals, but of the three that will be mentioned here, they seem to have no negative effect on those tested. The first form of male contraceptive is substantially equivalent to a vasectomy. This device is referred to as a sperm-blocker. In this process, rather than cutting the Vas Deferens, the tube itself is plugged. The 'corking' of the vas deferens tube therefore stops the flow of sperm and still saves the vas deferens from being completely done away wit

Muscle Loss With Aging

After a person reaches age thirty, he or she can expect gradual muscle tissue loss called sarcopenia to slowly set in. The term "sarcopenia," which derives from the Latin roots "sarco" for muscle and "penia" for wasting, is the natural and progressive loss of muscle fiber due to aging. Every person aged thirty and above has sarcopenia to some degree. Sarcopenia and osteoporosis are related and often occur simultaneously, because use of the body's muscles provides the mechanical stress needed to put pressure on the skeletal structure and maintain bone mass. Inactivity leads to loss of both muscle mass and bone mass and can put older adults on a downward health spiral that is exacerbated by surgery, traumatic accidents, or even illnesses that cause prolonged rest. Fat storage also plays a role in sarcopenia and thus osteoporosis as well. If muscle tissue is marbled with fat, it will be less strong than lean muscle tissue. Muscle function is inversely r

Follistatin Therapy Shows

The way to big, strong muscles is long and requires hard work in a gym. But researchers may have found a shortcut where the muscles grow by themselves. Scientists have actually succeeded, by means of gene therapy, to increase the lean body mass and the strength of macaque monkeys. The experiment was simple enough, the researchers just injected the gene follistatin (FS344) directly into the monkeys right thigh muscles. It has been shown that follistatin can block myostatin, a molecule that down-regulates musclegrowth, but strengthens tendons. Eight weeks after the injection the circumference of the monkeys right thigh muscles, had on average gone up 15 percent compared with the left thigh. A study done on two of the monkeys showed that musclestrength in the right leg was increased by respectively 12 and 36 per cent compared to the untreated leg! The Follistatin is injected by means of a viral vector, that is a Adeno Associated Virus used as a transport for the drug that is injected.

How to Market Your Business

People are talented in a lot of ways. Everyone is unique and special because of the things that they can do, create, or achieve. Some people may be good at crafts while others may be experts in technical ways. Some people who have found what their passions in life are use these passions to earn a living. They set up businesses connected to whatever it is that they're passionate about. Some of these businesses started out from the comforts of the business owner's own home and grew because of the business home internet marketing online technique that the business owner used in order to get the business venture up and running. Some of the business home internet marketing online strategies consist of steps that a potential business owner is already aware of. Advertising your goods or services is a must since this promotes your business and helps you make customers. The more visible you are, the more the number of people who know about you and your business will be and the greater